In art this week we were creating self portraits or ‘half’ self portraits to be exact. We each had to design, draw and colour what we thought one half of our face looks like. The results were so detailed.

In art this week we were creating self portraits or ‘half’ self portraits to be exact. We each had to design, draw and colour what we thought one half of our face looks like. The results were so detailed.
To mark culture night 2018 Tuar Ard Arts Centre invited Mr. Keena’s class to take part in a creation of a community art work celebrating all that is good about our town. The boys created some very colourful pieces.
We are starting off our year by learning about place value and there’s no better way to learn than by getting a hands on experience.
We recently took part in a debating competition organised by Mayor Aengus O’ Rourke of Athlone. In the quarter finals we were pitted against St. Peters of Athlone. In a keenly contested debate on gender our magnificent team of Morgan,…