From the first day these boys walked through the gates of St Oliver Plunkett’s back in 2014 they have been incredible additions to our school. Year after year they continued to grow and mature and were definitely seen as role…

From the first day these boys walked through the gates of St Oliver Plunkett’s back in 2014 they have been incredible additions to our school. Year after year they continued to grow and mature and were definitely seen as role…
As a reward for their hard work and excellent behaviour Mr. Keena’s class have been making use of the super astro facilities next to our school by playing our own foot tennis championships. The lads played singles and doubles tournaments…
Pupils from 5th and 6th class recently took a trip through the town of Moate to experience the challenges people with disabilities face when trying to navigate certain parts of the town. This ‘access aware audit’ was organised by Cllr.…
Our 5th and 6th class boys have been learning lots about electricity recently. The boys have learned about static and current electricity and put this to use by designing their own circuits. Each group also completed different electronic projects using…
Mr. Keena’s class have been busy investigating perimeter in maths. After getting to grasps with the methodology it was time to take it outside and get a hands on experience of perimeter. Firstly, using a trundle wheel we measured the…
Here is our very own carol service……in art form. Using different coloured card and other materials such as cotton wool, bobbles, packing beans and any other recycled items we created a Christmas choir ready to sing all your favourites. Mr.…
No Cracking Maths books needed today but that didn’t mean we had a day off! We got to take part in Maths stations to give our brains a different type of workout. We had 5 stations, each with a different…