Recently Mr. Daly’s class paid a visit to Tuar Ard theatre to enjoy a story telling hour with Niall de Búrca. He had us laughing out loud with his funny stories which he told in both English and Irish.

Recently Mr. Daly’s class paid a visit to Tuar Ard theatre to enjoy a story telling hour with Niall de Búrca. He had us laughing out loud with his funny stories which he told in both English and Irish.
Planning a trip to New Zealand in the future? Well don’t book anything without first chatting to Mr. Daly’s class about the wonderful research they did for their projects. They displayed their information in both Powerpoint presentations and by creating…
In maths we have been learning about tessellation. Now we all know that squares, triangles and hexagons are just some of the shapes that tessellate but we wanted to take it a step further…. Did you know that lizards can…
4th and 5th classes have being taking part in a very exciting cookery programme called ‘Cooking All Stars’ with SuperValu. It is designed to introduce the boys to the skills they need to get cooking and to give them a…
Mr. Daly’s class have been giving tag rugby a try. We are improving with each session. Thanks to our Leinster and Midland Warriors coach Niall for his continued support.
Mr. Daly’s class have been busy on two counts. Firstly they set out the goals that they want to achieve this school year. Then they illustrated their plans with self portraits containing these goals. No doubt these determined young men…
A number of boys from 5th and 6th class took part in the Tim Ross memorial tournament which took place on April 9th in Tubber GAA. It was a great day out and the boys performed extremely well. Our school…
To coincide with the 150 year anniversary in St. Patrick’s church Moate, we have been making stain glass windows in art. The children have created these multicoloured pieces using card, colours, paint and paper. Not only that but they got…