We enjoy……. Playing basketball Playing football Playing rugby Hurling We are….

We couldn’t let the chance pass to grab a photograph of the blooming daffodils that we planted. They add such colour to the front of our school.

We have been so busy in class lately. Take a look at some of the maths topics we have been learning about this term. Area: Money: It was time to get shopping with our catalogues to practise our money skills.…

Mr. Keena’s class have been busy investigating perimeter in maths. After getting to grasps with the methodology it was time to take it outside and get a hands on experience of perimeter. Firstly, using a trundle wheel we measured the…
Spring has most definitely arrived in Mrs. Kelly’s class. During the week we had gone on a buddy walk with Mr. Daly’s class so check for signs of Spring. We used this walk as inspiration for some of the lovely…

Visit to local Sensory Garden Recently we were lucky enough to be invited to Dun na Sí Amenity and Heritage Park for the opening of their wonderful sensory garden. We walked into a colourful space full of different sights and…

Planning a trip to New Zealand in the future? Well don’t book anything without first chatting to Mr. Daly’s class about the wonderful research they did for their projects. They displayed their information in both Powerpoint presentations and by creating…

We have been learning about symmetry in our maths lessons so we decided to add it to our art lesson. We got pictures with only one side drawn on it and we have to draw the other side. It’s not…