Pupils from 5th and 6th class recently took a trip through the town of Moate to experience the challenges people with disabilities face when trying to navigate certain parts of the town. This ‘access aware audit’ was organised by Cllr.…

Pupils from 5th and 6th class recently took a trip through the town of Moate to experience the challenges people with disabilities face when trying to navigate certain parts of the town. This ‘access aware audit’ was organised by Cllr.…
Mr. Keena’s class have been learning about World War II. The boys completed some fantastic projects and amazing art work based on ‘The Blitz’. This tied in nicely with the 75th anniversary of D-Day.
We continue to be an active school by taking part in a fitness class. All classes were put through their paces during this bootcamp style class. It was so enjoyable. ” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″]
Our 5th and 6th class boys have been learning lots about electricity recently. The boys have learned about static and current electricity and put this to use by designing their own circuits. Each group also completed different electronic projects using…
Congratulations to our 2nd class students who made their First Holy Communion today, May 11th in St. Patrick’s Church. They have put in a lot of work over the past few weeks preparing for this special occasion and we hope…
Lately we have really been enjoying reading some new novels. We have read Flat Stanley, The Yuckee Prince and The owl who was afraid of the dark. We wrote book reviews describing the novels and to let everyone know what…
Recently we took our maths class outside to find examples of symmetry in our school yard. We took inspiration from this and brought it into our art class. Take a look at our symmetry paintings.