To coincide with the 150 year anniversary in St. Patrick’s church Moate, we have been making stain glass windows in art. The children have created these multicoloured pieces using card, colours, paint and paper. Not only that but they got…

To coincide with the 150 year anniversary in St. Patrick’s church Moate, we have been making stain glass windows in art. The children have created these multicoloured pieces using card, colours, paint and paper. Not only that but they got…
Enjoying our Get Active Class each Friday with Martin Ward in the Community hall. We have begun our swimming lessons in Clara. We each hope to progress a level over the next 4 weeks. We had a very informative visit…
We recently took part in a debating competition organised by Mayor Aengus O’ Rourke of Athlone. In the quarter finals we were pitted against St. Peters of Athlone. In a keenly contested debate on gender our magnificent team of Morgan,…