We are working towards our Discover Primary Science and Maths award again this year. We will keep you up to date with everything we get up to during the year on these pages. We hope to achieve the award for yet another year. As it is our first time using a ‘blog’ type entry for Discover Primary Science we really think it will enhanced our ICT skills. It will also help to minimise our paper use which as a green school is so important to us.
The following steps have to be completed in order to win the DPS Plaque of STEM Excellence:
STEP 1: Science
Provide evidence of the children engaging in hands-on science investigations in school (indoors or outdoors).
STEP 2: Technology (ICT)
Provide evidence of how the children used technology as part of their school work. By technology in this step we mean Information Communications Technologies [ICT].
STEP 3: Engineering
Provide evidence of how children investigated engineering in class or in the local area.
STEP 4: Maths
Provide evidence of how the children used their maths skills.
STEP 5: STEM Showcase
Provide evidence that the children have presented and explained their STEM work to others (beyond their own class). We hope to complete this by putting on our annual Science Open Day.
Over the next few weeks please click into each step in the drop down menu to see our progress.